Ass Kicking | Posted by Jannie on 22 September 2008 @ 11:11 AM
Yes sir, that’s our baby!! (She turned seven last week and had to take her youngest-songwriting-contest-entrant-to-date trophy to her birthday dinner – naturellement.)
Yay, I did it! Jannie with WordPress. Who knew?
It’s all quite overwhelming and humbling as I am a total WordPress initiate but I’m raring to learn how to work this thing and get restored to, if not even to surpass, the former glory I had attained on my old suckass server blog W/O comments.
I’m so happy!! Even with these mosquitoes biting my arms.
Now… how do I change designs, put up necessities like my banner, larger jpegs in the posts, Google ads, accent photos, my McCain/ Palin jpeg, widgets, song Mp3s, free downloads, separate pages, archives, Youtube clips, etc? How do I change the font and its color? How do I get my background of blue stars back?
It’s all good. Except for the bad stuff. And the bad stuff won’t really matter in the end, will it?